In Charley’s Memory Challenge

In Uncategorized by Ben Shills

The Video is finally live and the challenge is finally revealed.

Its been hectic week or so for me as I finally revealed my charity 24 hour 3 peak challenge.

The response the video has been incredible and I firmly feel there are so many behind me and supporting me.

A lot of people have asked me why I chose ‘In Charleys Memory’ as my desired charity. For me this was such an easy decision! Mental health is still a huge stigma in society and causes so many issues amongst people. Its still a big deal to be a bloke and speak about your mental health. This needs to change. This fundraiser is so much more than just completing my 3 peak challenge. Its an opportunity to talk about mental health and try to remove this cloud that surrounds it. If my challenge and influence and can convince just one person to talk about how they are feeling and not just bottle it up and suffer alone, then that is a success.

Time to talk about the challenge!!
Ive given myself plenty of time to prepare for this (June 2019) but doesn’t make it anymore easier! Its started to really dawn on me how big this is.Having never climbed a peak before in my life, I will now have 3 to climb in just 24 hours. Ive already started to plan my training around improving my fitness levels and muscular endurance to cope with the constant walking. 

Overall its 26 miles and over 9800ft of vertical ascent. Wow.

Ive recently started running again and will try to make my training as enjoyable as possible!

The main objective is to slowly increase running/walking distance to build up my cardiovascular fitness and incorporate strength training for my legs and core.

Thank you so much for your support guys!